2025 Super Early Bird Dates and Rates
Fees & Full Session Rates
We are offering a full session discount for the 7-week Advantage Session. Please call or e-mail for details.
2025 Squire Super Early Bird Camp Tuition Rates (Expires Nov. 1st)
Advantage Total Choice Camp*
Session 1
6 / 30 / 25 — 7 / 25 / 25
4 weeks
Session 2
7 / 28 / 25 — 8 / 15 /25
3 weeks
6 / 30 / 25 — 8 / 15 /25
7 weeks
* Plus fees for materials. Primary Camp add $25 per week activity fee, Advantage Choice fees vary by track or course
** Special Full Summer Session Discount of $140. No camp July 4th.
Courses that do not have enough campers signed up will not run for that session. No fee refund for a changed course except if the course is closed due to lack of enrollment.
Deposit and Payment Schedule
A deposit of $500 per child must accompany the application. The balance is due May 1st 2025. Space permitting, anyone who registers after May 1st, 2025 must pay in full at the time of registration. Refunds are available up to May 1st, minus a $200 administrative fee. No refunds after May 1st. No refunds for absences, covid related absences, Department of Health mandated shut downs, weather disruptions, or time missed for quarantine.
Refund Policy
No refunds after May 1st, 2025. No makeups or refunds for missed time. No camp July 4th. No refunds for absences, covid related absences, Department of Health mandated shut downs, weather disruptions, or time missed for quarantine.